Tuesday 10 April 2007

Bohoma Sthuthi - Sri Lanka, India Study Group

Bohoma Sthuthi in Sinhala means thank you very much.
Join us for an education journey into the shared Buddhist cultural, social and engineering heritage of Sri Lanka and India.
A heritage that seems to have been lost, due to our shared colonial history and monumental ignorance of the elite classes.
Non Buddhist and Buddhist, Sri Lankans and Indians, are invited to attempt a modern and contemporary, stock taking of shared Lankan and Indian history, heritage, engineering, art and society.
We want to sow the seeds of a future that builds on the shared ideals of compassionate society, and nation building, for the people of South East Asia.
The shared Buddhist heritage of Sri Lanka and India, makes us closer, than maybe any other two nations in the world.
A warm Bohoma Sthuthi to all engineers, architects, artists, academics, sociologists, philosophers for joining us.

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